Looking for creative client gift ideas this holiday season? Look no further than Greetabl!
Client appreciation gifts are a simple, inexpensive way to show your clients you’re thinking of them and appreciate their business during the year.
What I love about Greetabl is how customizable their gifts are, while still being affordable (generally within the $10 – $25 range, depending on the gift you choose).

I have a full blog post that goes into ALL the things I love about Greetabl, linked below.
The purpose of this post, however, is to show you what loveliness Greetabl has whipped up for the holiday season 2020.
Because if you even needed a reason to put a smile on someone’s face… 2020 is it.
Here’s the YouTube video that goes alongside this blog post. I unboxed my Greetabl, and I go into detail about my experience with this stunning client gifting service and how I use it in my business.
2020’s super cute Greetabl gift was this one. I had a lot of fun styling these photos for my video, and Friday got in on the act, too!
As you can see, a Greetabl is a customizable gift-in-a-box that you can send to anyone, anywhere in the US. Write your own message, scroll through the curated gifts and select one, pick a nice design for the pattern and even add your own photos or message panels.

So yes guys, it’s that time of year again when we are tasked with coming up with affordable, cute little gifts for clients. Whatever it is that you do this is a great time of year to show your appreciation for the people that make your dreams come true – your clients!
When it comes to client gifting, it’s often a fine balance between wanting to be personal creative, and meaningful, but at the same time as business owners we can’t spend hours choosing the perfect gift for each one of our clients.
The price also has to be right.
If you write off your gifting as a tax deduction (which you should!) there is a limit in the US of $25 per gift. So, if at all possible you want to make sure that any of your client gifts are below the value of $25 per client per year. But – and here’s the key – they can’t look cheap!

There are so many gifts that you can choose from! To me, the best thing about Greetabl is how customizable your gift can be, whatever your brand is all about and whatever your business does.
All of the gifts that you can find inside on Greetabl are, on the whole, rather pretty, aesthetic and millennial friendly! There are also dude gifts, and gifts for older people that can also really work, so if you have a diverse clientele you’re still bound to find something for everyone.

A Greetabl isn’t an expensive, lavish gift – but one that is personal and thoughtful. Where it really excels is that you can add your own photos, logo and even box design to the Greetabl, so it’s the little things that make a big difference.
You can also send a gift this holiday season to friends and family that you cannot be with. There’s a range of prices, so if you want to spend a little more on someone special, you can!

In the video, I introduce you to some of my fave Greetabl’s that I’ve acquired over the years. Let me know what you think and if you’ll be using Greetabl for your client gifting needs this holiday season 2020!
As an inexpensive client gift idea, Greetabl cannot be beat. Each Greetabl comes at a price point of around $8 – $25. And the best part is that you can easily customize your gift with a personal message, tearable photo inserts, your logo and even your own pattern.
Client appreciation gifts are a simple, inexpensive way to show your clients you’re thinking of them and appreciate their business during the year. So check out Greetabl’s range of beautiful, affordable gifts for your clients and let me know what you think in the comments! 👇🏾

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